Whether you are starting a new business from home or have an office, getting a new pet can cause major disruptions if you don't plan properly. You might have heard horror stories of new pets chewing apart wiring or couches. These stories don't have to be your reality. Here are some tips for helping your new pet adjust to you and your work.
Have Everything You Need Ready
Obviously, you need to get pet supplies, but there are a few things to consider. If you are not working from home, you may benefit from a nanny cam. There are cameras specifically designed so you can watch your pet from your cell phone. There are also ones that dispense treats so you can interact with your pet.
Avoid Giving Them Too Much Space
A new pet should not have full access to the house right away. Consider confining it to a crate or single room until it gets more comfortable in the new surroundings. This can help an animal acclimate to the new home and help you keep an eye on your pet.
Take Care of Business Details
Consider organizing your business before bringing your new pet home. You can do this by forming a limited liability company, giving you an advantage on taxes and the amount of paperwork you have to start your business. If you want to register an LLC in Missouri, you can also accomplish this by using a formation service, saving on attorney fees. In some cases, your new pet can be a tax advantage.
Create Separate Areas for Separate Activities
This is especially important if you work from home. Your pet should have a feeding area and a play area. You should have a working area and relaxation area. These areas can be in the same room, but they should be clearly differentiated, and once you establish them, don't change them.
Make Sure Your Yard Is Secure
If you intend to let your pet outside supervised or unsupervised, pet-proof your yard as you would your home. Secure fences and nontoxic plants are essential. Remember that your yard and taking your pet out into it can give you a much-needed break from work as well. Of course, your pet should also be equipped with a GPS tracker. (Bonus points if it also helps monitor your pet’s health!)
Start Training Your Pet (and Yourself) Immediately
Starting training for behaviors that you want to encourage as well as those you want to discourage right away. Setting boundaries is important at work and with your new pet. Although it can be difficult to remember to correct a new pet while you are trying to work, it makes everyone happier when there are clear-cut rules. If you do not plan to allow your pet on furniture, establish this from the beginning.
This includes creating a schedule for you and your pet and sticking to it. Establish what you will and will not do during business hours when you establish what your pet can and cannot do. There are guards, crates and other supplies that can help you enforce this with your pet.
Caring for a pet can be a great way to relieve the stress of starting a new business. Use this to your advantage by being prepared right from the start. There are plenty of trainers and training aids that can help you follow these tips to make things go smoothly in both endeavors.