It's not said in vain that dogs are man's best friend. They have your back, they won't leave you hanging, they are great motivators, they have excellent long-term memories, and moreover, they are super mini-dishwashers.
So, it's not surprising that we spend so much time with our special little friends. As a result, we've created many myths about them. Also, different misleading pieces of information from other dog lovers or from on the internet contribute to keeping these myths alive.
Therefore, here is a list of the five most common myths about different breeds of dogs. It's time to break them finally!
Dogs shouldn't eat people food
How many times have you heard the myth that dogs shouldn't eat people food? Probably too many. And have you ever asked a legitimate question - why?
There is no scientific proof that supports this claim and that explains why human food should be bad for your four-legged friend. This is more a marketing gimmick of a dog food industry than the fact that people food isn't appropriate for dogs. In fact, many dogs live well on human food and table scraps.
Therefore, if your dog likes people food and if it doesn't do any harm, then let your little friend enjoy it.
Dogs should be banned from bedrooms or beds
This myth is so widespread that even the people who don't have pets are familiar with it too. However, it's not true that dogs shouldn't sleep in bedrooms or beds.
This suggestion was sustained in the New York Times article in which they advised that young or old dogs don't belong in the bedroom, as well as reactive or sick pets.
However, these animals need your company and additional socialization the most. That way, they receive extra care that comforts them and has a positive impact on their health and growth.
A dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human’s mouth
This myth was probably perpetuated by dog owners who let their pets give them big wet kisses.
This theory has its foundation in the belief that a dog's saliva can heal wounds and the fact that dogs use their tongues to clean. On the other side, these claims are incompatible with all disgusting things that usually end up in canine's mouth.
The only truth is that both dogs and people have a large number of bacteria in their mouth, so this quarrel who has a cleaner mouth can stop.
Each human year corresponds to seven dog years
This equation, well-known as the seven-year principle is popular among pet owners, but also among people who don't have dogs. But, it's not true.
Kate, a content writer at AssignmentMasters and a Maltese mom resolves this math problem: "Your four-legged friend grows and matures faster than people. That's the reason why multiplying their age by seven won't tell you exactly how old they are. Moreover, the first year of your pet's life corresponds to fifteen person-years. Later on, its size and breed influence how it will age."
To calculate your dog's age use method of Cesar Millan, a dog behaviorist: subtract two from your pet's age, multiply that figure by four, and then add 21.
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks
It's not true that you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Actually, any dog no matter how old they are can learn some tricks to some extent.
Naturally, an older pooch can't learn as fast as a puppy, and it might not be capable to physically or mentally make some moves that a spry puppy is capable of.
Just find the right measure and the appropriate behavior that your old friend can learn. This training will bring many benefits to your pet, such as increased confidence and a closer relationship with you.
Nowadays, there is various information that is available on the Internet, or that is passed from one dog owner to another. However, it doesn't have to mean that they are true or verified. Therefore, don't be deceived by these myths, make sure you check them and ask professionals, such as vets who have more knowledge and experience or read articles from trusted scientific sources.